Thursday, February 25, 2010

Under 200!!!!

Yesterday was a proud day for me. While it came one week later that I would have liked, I was officially under 200 lbs at my weigh-in last night! I know being in the 100's doesn't make me skinny, but it has been 10 years since I have been here so I'm celebrating!!! Not with the standard Bacardi w/ Diet Coke, but instead I chowed down on two Benefit Bars!!! Kind of sad!

The reason I had hoped to be under the big 2-0-0 last week was because I was spending the weekend in TRF attempting to find a wedding dress. I wasn't quite there, but I was successful! Below is a picture of the dress I chose. What is super suprising to me is that when I look at this picture...I don't have a lot of things to be critical of! Thinking of how different the experience would have been had I tried on dresses 4 months ago is crazy. I'm sure I wouldn't have fit into half of the dresses, and viewing the pictures probably would have brought tears to my eyes because of all the flaws I would have seen. There is still work to be done, but I am so happy with the results I have had thus far, and look forward to seeing how much more I can lose!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Making the Heartland Proud

Below is a link to a spot on our local Fox station about the HMR program I am on, and how it came to be in Omaha. Enjoy!

Dr. Weight Loss

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Insanity 60-Day Total Body Conditioning Program I made the executive decision to order a workout DVD. My only other experience with workout DVD's was in college when I ordered Power 90. I had some success with this program, but didn't give it 100% and thus was not "ripped in 90 days." The video I ordered today is from the same company as Power 90, but is called INSANITY. I'm pretty sure I have lost my mind because personal trainers are giving reviews stating that this is the hardest cardio program they have ever seen. The video is full of people squatting, jumping and doing push-ups in a puddle of thier own sweat. I might die, but I figured this is the perfect time to test my physical and mental stamina! It should be arriving in the next week or so. I will keep you posted!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Quickly approaching the big 5-0!

I am two weeks into the second chapter of my weigh loss journey, and as of last night my total weight loss was at 49.5! I am one bowel movement away from hitting 50 crazy (and disgusting) is that?

This past week has been such a motivating week for me. Many of my co-workers have given me compliments and I actually was able to encourage a woman who came into the weight management bldg to join. She was very hesitant, and had the same look of self-doubt that I once had. When she asked how much I had lost in 14 weeks and I told her 47.7 lbs (this was prior to my weigh-in) her jaw dropped and she told me that she loved me! haha! She immediately changed her attitude and said that she was going to join and she was going to lose the weight too!

So many changes have occurred in the last few months and it is crazy how losing weight can seriously change your entire life. I remember always dreaming of wearing a beautiful wedding dress, but worried about having to find one that would hide all my flaws. I am now looking forward to trying on all the different styles and picking out the perfect dress, and not worrying about my weight. Or at least, not as much! I am pumped to buy a swimming suit for our honeymoon to Jamaica....THAT has NEVER happened! I may even by 2 or 3!

While I don't think my personality has changed one bit, I do think my outlook has. I was never Debbie-Depression, but I did get down on myself from time to time. I have realized that I am in control of my health, if nothing else. I have the power to change the way I look and feel, and I don't have any more excuses. And believe me...I had more excuses than I would like to admit!

Long story short, I am almost 50 lbs down, and I know that I will look back on this post in the next months and be even further along! More to come...