Monday, May 24, 2010

Phase II thoughts

Last week I officially paid for my last month of classes in phase one, and I will be moving into phase two of the HMR program on June 17th!

This is an exciting, and terrifying, time for me. Phase two consists of attending weekly meetings with weigh-ins as before, however I will now begin to reintroduce healthy foods back into my diet. These foods will consist of whole grains, low fat dairy and lean protein.

The last 7 months has made me realize that I have an addiction to food...I'm not being dramatic here, I truly believe that there are many people in this world who have addictive personalities and each has their own vice....alcohol, drugs, sex. etc. Mine is food. It is embarrassing for me to admit, but acceptance is the first step to recovery...hahaha! Okay that was dramatic!

All kidding aside, the thought of being able to eat "regular" food scares the living shit out of me! You wouldn't put an alcoholic, who just went through 8 months of rehab, into a bar and tell him that he can just have one drink....but that is how this feels to me. I have cleansed my body of all the bad food and have lost a bunch of weight, under a very strict program. Now I will be eating foods that I haven't had in close to a year, and having to limit my intake (which I clearly have had a problem with in the past, hence the need for HMR).

I don't want to return to my old habits, and gain the weight back so I am very nervous but also very excited for the support system in phase two. There are classes full of people who have gone through the same things I am going through and have succeeded. I was also asked to join the Alegent Health Weigth Management Ambassador Program, where I will be able to share my weight loss journey with people who are considering the program or need an extra level of support while in the program.

It is a very scary world out there when you consider all of the food choices you have, and how little we truly know about what we are putting into our mouths. I'm hoping as I enter phase two I have the willpower to make the right decisions and stay on track.
Wish me luck!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

My new edition!

As stated in my last post I recently hit the 180 lb goal that I had set at the beginning of my weight loss journey. So what does this mean? A reward!!!

I have my own personal weight loss tracker which includes all of the goals that I set, along with the rewards I planned for myself. To date, I have achieved 4 of the goals, but haven't given myself the "real" reward. Here is the list:

Goal 1: Lose 25 lbs
Planned Reward: Get a spa treatment
Actual Reward: bought spa treatments at Target and did them myself at!

Goal 2: Lose 40 lbs
Planned Reward: Plan a dinner with Brook
Actual Reward: Planned a dinner with Brook that still hasn't happened (because I am still in phase 1)

Goal 3: Get below 200 lbs
Planned Reward: Plan a vacation
Actual Reward: We took a vacation to AZ to see Jay's parents, but this had been planned long before I reached my goal.

So here I am....Goal 4: Get to goal weight of 180 lbs. The planned reward..."buy something expensive!"

I have been going back and forth on what to buy, if I should buy anything, should I buy something for both Jay and I, should I buy something functional..blah, blah, blah! Today I bit the bullet! The decision has been made and here it is:
I LOVE IT!!!! I ordered it today and paid the insane express delivery charge and it should be in my arms by tomorrow night! :D

Monday, May 10, 2010


A mere 190 days ago I started my journey on the HMR program and I set a goal for myself to get to 180 lbs. Well, on Wednesday I achieved this goal!!! I weighed in at 179.1 lbs!

I had thought that once I reached this weight I would go into phase II, however after discussing my options with my Health Educator, I decided that I will commit to another 6 weeks to see how much more weight I can lose.

In addition to this, Jay and I got our first glimpse of the engagement pictures we had taken last weekend. We couldn't have been happier and can't wait to see all the pics. Below is the link if you want to see our photographer's blog: