Thursday, April 22, 2010

What weighs 70 lbs?

After hitting the magic 70 lbs lost marker last night I have been on a quest to find things that weigh 70 lbs, to assist my brain in visualizing what is now gone from my body. Some are hilarious...others kind of gross, but please enjoy a list of things that weigh 70 lbs with me.
This anchor...if you are feeling deep, there is a great analogy here.....wait for it......ahhh!

Seventy lbs of hash...or has Jay would call it, "the stickiest of the icky." Not really sure what that means, and I don't think he really does either.

Nicole Riche...although word on the street is she is up to like 90-something now. EAT A BURGER!

These punching bags each weigh 70 lbs....I'd like to smack my fat around every once and a while...wait that sounded dirty! lol
This one was just funny to me...the shipping weight of this "toilet" was 70 lbs. Toilet....really? Isn't that just pvc pipe, some mesh, and a bucket on wheels?!?

There are apparently people out there who purposefully add 70 lbs to their body....this is the apparatus that would help you do that. WTF? I don't get the concept?

And lastly...this huge fucking fish is 70 lbs!!! NASTY!

I hope you have enjoyed this illustration of "Things that weigh 70 lbs!"


Thursday, April 15, 2010

6 Months...that's half of a year people!!!

Last week I celebrated my 6th month on the HMR program with a 2.2 lb loss. This was a very satisfying loss as the past few weeks have been fairly light losses that could have been gains had I not stopped off at the bathroom before jumping on the scale! :) While I am still suffering from "fat brain" (e.i. where you don't see the physical changes that are happening and you still see yourself as fat), more than 1 person yesterday said that they didn't even recognize me! It's strange to hear comments like that, but nice at the same time. I'm hoping someday soon my brain catches up with my body so I can really see the change in my body.

In the last week, Jay and I made the trip down to Arizona to see his parents who are renting a home in Surprise. The weekend was full of sun, fun, and lots of wedding talk! One of my favorite things, was a lemon tree that they had growing in their back yard. I am trying to figure out a way to grow one in our house, as I don't think that tree could handle the midwest weather!

Another activity we took part in was the NASCAR Fresh Fit 600!!! I couldn't believe how fun it was to embrace my white trash roots! After seeing some of the patrons, I will say that we were on the classy end of the white trash spectrum. All I can say is WOW! I wanted to take some covert pics but didn't know what would happen if they caught me...and I have a strong fear of toothless strangers rubbing their B.O. and hair grease on me so I chose to save my photography for the grand stands!
Vickie enjoying a drink, and me enjoying a Diet Coke...YUM!
The boys sporting their Dale Jr. Gear.
Jay and I tailgating before the big race. He hates my aviator sunglasses so I wear them all the time!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution

I am not one to say this, but Jaimie Oliver is a truly amazing person with a great mission. If you have 20 minutes, his acceptance speech for his TED award is great and gives you just a glimps of what he is trying to do here in the U.S. Or, if you are availabe Friday nights 9/8 central (which I am sadly because I have no life), check out his show "Food Revolution" on ABC. It's amazing what we don't know.