Thursday, April 22, 2010

What weighs 70 lbs?

After hitting the magic 70 lbs lost marker last night I have been on a quest to find things that weigh 70 lbs, to assist my brain in visualizing what is now gone from my body. Some are hilarious...others kind of gross, but please enjoy a list of things that weigh 70 lbs with me.
This anchor...if you are feeling deep, there is a great analogy here.....wait for it......ahhh!

Seventy lbs of hash...or has Jay would call it, "the stickiest of the icky." Not really sure what that means, and I don't think he really does either.

Nicole Riche...although word on the street is she is up to like 90-something now. EAT A BURGER!

These punching bags each weigh 70 lbs....I'd like to smack my fat around every once and a while...wait that sounded dirty! lol
This one was just funny to me...the shipping weight of this "toilet" was 70 lbs. Toilet....really? Isn't that just pvc pipe, some mesh, and a bucket on wheels?!?

There are apparently people out there who purposefully add 70 lbs to their body....this is the apparatus that would help you do that. WTF? I don't get the concept?

And lastly...this huge fucking fish is 70 lbs!!! NASTY!

I hope you have enjoyed this illustration of "Things that weigh 70 lbs!"



  1. This is great! I just lost 70 lbs, and the visuals totally helped!

  2. Lost 70 lbs since February. this post is awesome. congrats on your weight loss!

  3. Great post! I too just lost 70 lbs and loved this!
