Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Crunch Time!

I have to first apologize for being lazy with my posts has been for lack of effort in the program, but rather for an increased level of anxiety around my quickly approaching wedding and all the things that go along with it!

I have been in phase two for 4 weeks now, and have been able to introduce lean protein (as posted previously), whole grains, and probably most importantly....FROZEN MEALS! What does this mean? I am now able to substitute the HRM shelf stable meals for branded frozen meals like Healthy Choice, Smart Ones and Lean Cuisine. This has been a double edged sword for me, as these meals taste much better, but I am now having to call on my willpower which has often failed me in the past....hence my fatty period (that is what I am naming the past 10 years of my life!).

So, beyond having to grapple with my less-than-stellar self-control, I am now in the thick of wedding planning, which I am absolutely sure is making my hair fall out! There are parties, and decorations, and dresses, and fittings, and shoes, and gifts, and tablecloths, and BUDGETING! I HATE BUDGETING!!! Not to mention that I recently went to a wedding (which is totally my jam!), with an open bar (oh yea!), and COULD NOT DRINK!!! I drove drunk people home until 2AM, and I don't want to do it again!

This was also the first 4th of July in many...MANY years that I have been sober. I guess it was kind of fun to be conscious for the fireworks, but I became fully aware of little things that I would have normally not given a second thought to. Example: mosquitos! Yes readers, I am complaining about mosquitos in Nebraska! Now I know how funny this is to anyone who is from Minnesota, but this just illustrates my point. Back when I was able to drink, I would have probably been so numb from my eyelids down that I wouldn't have even realized that there was a flock of bugs sucking my will to live. Being sober blows, and I doubt there is anyone who can convince me otherwise. I am anxiously awaiting the 14th of August as that will be my re-entry back into the world of alcohol. Ahhhh....bachelorette party.....I cannot WAIT!

Just an update...I am officially 6.5 lbs away from my wedding goal weight! Will I make it???

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